I'll give you a referral code that will get you a 10% discount and waive their attempt fee if by some chance they can't recover. I had a client perform a complete factory restore on a Toshiba laptop, install 3 years worth of Windows Updates, use the unit for SIX MONTHS, and then discover he'd lost all his business data. but it's gonna cost between $2,000 and $3,500. DriveSavers is almost assuredly able to get his data.
Always recover data to a different physical drive.įinally, prepare the CEO for the cost of a data recovery. Slave the drive into another machine and attempt whatever read-only recovery processes you want/need. Any attempts to recover data that include writing to the disk are a Very Bad Idea and may make professional-level data recovery completely impossible. Next, DO NOT attempt to muck with partition tables. This is quadruply true of C-level executives! But if any data on the disk is overwritten, then the. For example, it can recover data after reinstalling Windows. So, if even such file information is gone, there are chances that the file data still remains on the disk. This application is compatible on both Windows and Mac.
In fact, in addition to recovering personal files after factory resetting a laptop, this tool can also help to recover data that have been lost in a variety of ways. Office File Recovery Tool is a powerful tool to recover documents after reinstalling Windows. First: Never, EVER take a user's word that they properly backed up their info. See, with a few clicks, you can recover lost files successfully.